healing & hope geelong


Healing and Hope is a place for human kindness - a place of compassion - a place where members of the school community can come together to help those who are in need, offering hope to achieve healing. 

Healing and Hope Limited employs two casual staff members to respond and engage with survivors and their families directly, as well as those who have experienced tragedy and their families, to facilitate counselling and link those in need with support services. Planned activities include wellbeing education and programmes including awareness training, healing retreats, art therapy, facilitated conversations and seminars.

Opportunities will be provided for survivors and their families as well as those who have been impacted by trauma and tragedy, to connect with the land at Stonehaven on the banks of the Barwon. Some infrastructure to support accessibility and provide shelter is proposed to enable attendance at the site - be it for quiet reflection, to set up an easel, or to participate in one of the planned activities and/or accompanied visits.

For Healing and Hope Ltd to prioritise the well being of survivors, victims of trauma, and their families - the entity, which has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and is a registered charity, is seeking tax deductible donations.

You can help those fellow Old Geelong Grammarians who were harmed and their families, and those who suffered tragedy and are in need. You can make a positive difference to their lives.

Your financial contribution will provide meaningful support to them all.

Be a part of Healing and Hope.

Donation inquiries please contact giving@healingandhope.org.au or call or SMS 0410 916 710 and a Healing and Hope staff member will respond.

Healing and Hope Ltd is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and has Donor Gift Recipient (DGR) status endorsed by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) so all donations are tax deductible.

Fundraising Institute of Australia
Healing and Hope
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